Lowther, Dan M

Oil & Gas Operator

Company Summary

Here are a few key data points for Lowther, Dan M. This page represents an aggregation of wells ( and leases where applicable ) to provide a more complete view when looking at oil and gas properties in the U.S.

Operating StateWV
Production DatesJan 2009 - Dec 2020
Total Oil Production8,705 BBLs
Total Gas Production1,041,998 MCF
Recent Oil Prod.No Recent Prod.
Recent Gas Prod.No Recent Prod.
Producing Wells0

Lowther, Dan M Production Graph

Aggregated production of all wells and leases associated with this operator
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to oil and gas production for Lowther, Dan M
from Jan 2009 to Dec 2020

Wells Operated by Lowther, Dan M

API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
API #Well NameStatusCountyEst. Daily Oil Prod.Est. Daily Gas Prod.Est. Daily Water Prod.LatitudeLongitude
47-021-04792 BARTLETT, STARLING 2-D Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.942609-80.945279
47-021-04785 BARTLETT, STARLING 4-D-8903 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.940143-80.940638
47-021-04777 BARTLETT, STARLING BARTLETT 3-8903 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.943915-80.938409
47-021-04772 DAVIDSON, MARY & JAMES DAVIDSON1-D8901 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.967294-80.968566
47-021-04733 DAVIS, DONALD K. & LELIA FOX 1-D-8805 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.972229-80.896184
47-021-02514 DAVIS, R. E. 1 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.934857-80.937857
47-021-04746 EVANS, ROBERT E. HARDMAN 1-D Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.991096-80.931725
47-021-04828 FLEMING, ALBERT DAVIS 2-D-8905 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.930708-80.940452
47-021-04812 FLEMMING, ALBERT BARTLETT-DAV 1D Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.934046-80.937480
47-021-04849 FLEMMING, ALBERT DAVIS 3-D Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.937530-80.933581
47-021-01763 FULTON, E. D. 3 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.946883-80.820738
47-021-04715 GAINER, JAMES H. CUTLIP 1D-8805 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.989065-80.920583
47-021-04716 GAINER, JAMES H. CUTLIP 2D-8805 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.991677-80.924668
47-021-04364 GILBERT, C. B. GILBERT 10 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.999370-80.890242
47-021-04357 GILBERT, C. GILBERT 6 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.996902-80.892842
47-021-04320 GILBERT, CHARES, ETUX GILBERT 1 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.000107-80.883759
47-021-04616 GILBERT, CHARLES B. 11-D-8717 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.999080-80.882258
47-021-04639 GILBERT, CHARLES B. 14-D-8718 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.001994-80.892688
47-021-04490 GILBERT, CHARLES B. 8-S-8604 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.002284-80.888967
47-021-04654 GILBERT, CHARLES B. D-15-8718 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.996612-80.892099
47-021-04621 GILBERT, CHARLES B. GILBERT 12D Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.004316-80.885434
47-021-04633 GILBERT, CHARLES B. GILBERT 13-D Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.999950-80.887457
47-021-04482 GILBERT, CHARLES B. GILBERT 2S8604 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.001994-80.885619
47-021-04493 GILBERT, CHARLES B. GILBERT 9S8604 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.998644-80.905097
47-021-04484 GILBERT, CHARLES B. GILBERT4S8604 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.002284-80.893432
47-021-04434 GILBERT, CHARLES B. LANGFOR1-S-8508 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.004171-80.891199
47-021-04661 GILBERT, CHARLES B. LANGFORD 1D8801 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.007654-80.890084
47-021-04436 GILBERT, CHARLES B. LANGFORD 2S8508 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.006057-80.889711
47-021-04435 GILBERT, CHARLES B. LANGFORD 3S8508 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.006928-80.893060
47-021-04430 GILBERT, CHARLES B. LANGFORD 4 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.004897-80.894733
47-021-04402 GILBERT, CHARLES B. SHAFFER 1-S8507 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.011282-80.899942
47-021-04414 GILBERT, CHARLES B. SHAFFER 2S8507 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.008089-80.900686
47-021-04419 GILBERT, CHARLES B. SHAFFER 3 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.009831-80.897523
47-021-04401 GILBERT, CHARLES B. SHAFFER 4S8507 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.011282-80.893989
47-021-04418 GILBERT, CHARLES B. SHAFFER 5-S8507 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.009250-80.891200
47-021-04355 GILBERT, CHARLES GILBERT 5 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.998934-80.892842
47-021-04353 GILBERT, CHARLES GILBERT 7 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.996757-80.888386
47-021-04289 GOFF, IDA IDA GOFF 1 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.991678-80.879844
47-021-04336 GOFF, THURMAN T. GOFF 1 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.996177-80.872156
47-021-04383 GROSE, W. C. 7-S-8506 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.009977-80.857902
47-021-04375 GROSE, W. C. CLAY/LANG 1 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.019556-80.869250
47-021-04370 GROSE, W. C. CLAY/LANG 2 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.014912-80.858088
47-021-04479 GROSE, W. C. CLAY/LANG2S8606 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.009107-80.861809
47-021-04590 GROSE, W. C. CLAY/LANG2S8607 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.012009-80.861065
47-021-04481 GROSE, W. C. CLAY/LANG4S8606 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.009252-80.858646
47-021-04475 GROSE, W. C. CLAY/LANG6S8606 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.011864-80.862181
47-021-03487 HARDMAN, O. W. O. 4407 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.998083-80.944234
47-085-04486 HAUGHT, ETHEL H-875 Abandoned WellRitchie County, WV39.098005-81.116869
47-021-01756 HERRON, JACOB 1 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV38.944545-80.785477
47-021-04455 JEDAMSKI, HELMUT BUSH/HAL 3S8505 Abandoned WellGilmer County, WV39.003446-80.875946

Properties Operated by Lowther, Dan M

Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
Property NameCountyPeriodMonthly Oil Prod.Monthly Gas Prod.Production RangeActive Wells
BARTLETT, STARLINGGilmer County, WV0 BBLs0 MCFAug 1989 - May 20216
DAVISGilmer County, WVDec 20210 BBLs149 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 20214
FULTON, EGilmer County, WVDec 20210 BBLs373 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 202113
GAINER, JAMES HGilmer County, WVDec 20210 BBLs950 MCFFeb 1989 - Dec 20215
GILBERT, CGilmer County, WVDec 20210 BBLs82 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 202126
GROSE, W. C. CLAY/LANGGilmer County, WV0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 20198
HARDMANGilmer County, WVDec 20210 BBLs218 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 202126
HAUGHTWirt County, WVDec 20218 BBLs473 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 202125
JEDAMSKI, HELMUTGilmer County, WVDec 20210 BBLs100 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 20217
LANE, EUGENEGilmer County, WV0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 20195
LYNCHGilmer County, WVDec 20210 BBLs610 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 202112
NUTTER, BENJAMINRitchie County, WV0 BBLs0 MCFFeb 1988 - Dec 20189
STANG, ARTHURGilmer County, WV0 BBLs0 MCFJan 1988 - Dec 20195

Recent Permits Filed by Lowther, Dan M

Well NameCountyAPI #SubmittedApprovedTypeDrillWellStatusProposed Depth
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Company Contact Information

These are the contact records we have for Lowther, Dan M. They are obtained from the state and county goverment agency where we obtain our data.

AddressPhone #
12068 US HIGHWAY 33W #2, ALUM BRIDGE, WV 26321(304) 997-8091