Oil & Gas Properties in Montgomery County, KS

Property NameProperty LocationProperty TypeMost Recent Production
1A.D. BERRYMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyMar 2024
2ABBIE NORRISMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyOct 1996
3ADAMSMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyApr 2023
4ADAMSMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyFeb 2016
5ALLENMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyDec 2023
6ALLENMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyMar 2024
7ALLISON 1Montgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
8ARMITAGE, D AND DMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
9ARNOLDMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
10ATHERTONMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
11ATHERTON FAMILY TRUSTMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
12AVERYMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyApr 1993
13B. N. LIES TRUSTMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyJun 2008
14B.CHISMMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
15BACHMANMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyJul 1997
16BACON ET ALMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
17BANKSMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJul 1997
18BARNETTMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMay 2023
19BARSCHMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJul 2020
20BARTAMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyDec 2023
21BARTONMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
22BEACHNERMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
23BEANMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyJul 2022
24BELCHERMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
25BELTMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJul 2023
26BERNDMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyFeb 2024
27BEURSKENSMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
28BEVERMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
29BIG HILL FARMMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
30BILLER TRMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyOct 2023
31BISHOPMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyMar 1990
32BLAESMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
33BLAESMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
34BLAKEMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
35BLANKINSHIPMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
36BLASIMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyJan 1992
37BLEXMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJan 2024
38BLOCKMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
39BOMACMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
40BOTTSMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyJul 2020
41BOWEN FLOUR MILLS COMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
42BOWERSOCKMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyOct 2021
43BRADLEYMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
44BRAGGMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyOct 1996
45BRAKEMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyAug 2022
46BREWERMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
47BRIDWELLMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertySep 2013
48BRIGHTMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
49BRIGHTMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyOct 2023
50BRIGHTMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyAug 2023
51BROOKSMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
52BROWNLEEMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyOct 2001
53BRUINGTONMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
54BUCHANANMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
55BUCKLESMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
56BUCKLESMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMay 2019
57BUIEMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
58BURROWSMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJun 2021
59BURROWSMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyMar 2024
60BUTLERMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyAug 1988
61BUTLERMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
62C AND S SHULTZMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
63C&T PERKINSMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
64C. SMITHMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyJun 2020
65C. TUCKERMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
66CAMPBELLMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
67CANNONMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyFeb 1997
68CARNESMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
69CARSTEDT 1Montgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
70CASEYMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
71CATLETTMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyMar 2024
72CATRONMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
73CHICKMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 1988
74CHISMMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
75CHISMMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
76CIRCLE CMontgomery County, KSOil PropertySep 1991
77CITY OF COFFEYVMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyMar 2024
78CLARKMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJun 1985
79CLARKSONMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
80CLARKSONMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyFeb 2024
81CLAUSINGMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyAug 2001
82CLINKENBEARDMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
83CLUBINEMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJun 2015
84CLUBINEMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
85COLEMANMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
86COLLINSMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
87COOKMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
88COOKEMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
89COPELANDMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyJan 2024
90COPENHAVERMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
91COTTERILLMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
92CRAINMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024
93CRETCHERMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyAug 2022
94CROSSLINMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
95D. AND A. GORDONMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
96D. AND D. CUMMIN TRUSTMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
97DANCERMontgomery County, KSOil PropertyDec 2019
98DANIELS 1Montgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
99DARBROMontgomery County, KSGas PropertyMar 2024
100DARBYMontgomery County, KSOil & Gas PropertyMar 2024